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Jeff, Jason, and a Roundtable of Friends are your podcast hosts discussing everything from comics to movies to television shows and all things pop culture and geek related! The guys welcome guests from all geek culture media, from comic books to movies to music, if it's geek-related, HOBI covers it

Sep 27, 2016

The HOBI Gang went to the 2016 Cincinnati Comic Expo and brought back some great insight and interviews!  The guys talk to Travis McIntire from Source Point Press as he gives insight into running a comic publishing company and all things horror!  Jason also gets the chance to sit down and talk My Little Pony, Deadpool and Dead Duck and Zombie Chick with the great artist, Jay Fosgitt!  The guys interview makeup artist and Face Off competitor Ben Peter as he discusses what it took to break into the business and what really happens on the Sy Fy show.  Finally Jeff and the Ditt-man sit down and talk to Big Dev from Snake Oil Comics and finally find out why he hates driving to Cincinnati and what is going on north of the border, in Michigan!  Join us for a special Comic Expo episode!  This episode sponsored by Cincinnati Comic Expo!