Feb 21, 2017
The HOBI Gang tries to survive the plague as they welcome TWO of their favorite guests into the BOB Studios, Number One Fan Doug and film critic Scab Jeff! The gang discusses the upcoming Oscars, the greatness of Riverdale and what the heck is going on in Legion! Jeff has seen LEGO Batman and disagrees with Jason, while Blake tries to make a protective bubble to protect from his co-hosts! The guys become scared of Warcraft CEOs while Jason is the only one excited about Kong: Skull Island. The guys are creeped out but yet intrigued by the latest Burger King giveaway but they all can feel the excitement with the return of Channing Tatum News! The gang go a little nuts over their Favorite Top 5 John Travolta Performances and the guys nearly forget the Bad Idea of the Week! This episode is sponsored by the Cincinnati Comic Expo!