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Jeff, Jason, and a Roundtable of Friends are your podcast hosts discussing everything from comics to movies to television shows and all things pop culture and geek related! The guys welcome guests from all geek culture media, from comic books to movies to music, if it's geek-related, HOBI covers it

Feb 10, 2016

The HOBI Gang have no guest this week but that doesn't stop them from singing and impersonating their way through this episode!  The guys talk the Super Bowl,  Jeff spending too much money on board games, and Jason falling in love with Legends of Tomorrow.  The gang mocks Lionsgate and the failure of Mockingjay and if Nicholas Sparks' stock should be sold and yep, it should. Blake mocks the Wrecking Crew, Jeff sings some Beyonce while Jason takes out everyone's Top 5 Worst Super Bowl Halftime Performances!